Two Bonds

Some bonds constrain us, and confine us to isolation one from another. Others release us from our confinement and our isolation, letting us loose and inviting us to enter into community with one another. The former bonds cage and enslave us, whereas the latter ones open our cage-doors and set us free. The former constipate us, tightening us up and closing us down. The latter act laxatively, as it were. They open us out like blossoms, loosening us up and relaxing us. 

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Vacuums and Clearings: The Taking and the Making of Space

Clearings, including especially in and as artworks, allow whatever at all may happen to be, to have room to be. Unlike vacuums, which suck everything into themselves and leave it no room, clearings open things out, and give them room just to be--to be whatever and however they are in and for themselves and one another.

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Questioning Authority

The only sorts of questions to which answers bring a close are no more than requests for information, of one form or another. When that information is given in answer to such a request, the question is closed. In contrast, the question that genuine authority poses to each of us is one we can never close. It must always be held open, awaiting further response. The question that genuine authority poses to us is one that can only be answered with the entirely of our lives.

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